amla benefits and side effects

 amla benefits and side effects


Do you know what are the benefits and side effects of Amla?

Benefits of amla.

One of God most precious gifts to man. It is considered a blessing in disguise for health and longevity.

 Ayurvedic physicians and physicians recommend its use in their medicine and consider it beneficial for heart and other medical problems.

 Amla is a fruit. It has big tree. It has a round kernel with striped edges. It tastes bitter and astringent. 

Amla is useful for heart, hair and eyes. According to Greek and Arab physicians, they said to be second-degree dry.

 It is especially useful in eliminating excess gastric juice from the stomach and by absorbing foul secretions.

 Also, all kinds of diarrhea, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, vomiting, hiccups, stomach contamination, dysentery and gastritis. Amla is useful for all these ailments. Frequent use of amla marmalade is very useful.

 Amla strengthens the brain and prevents bad vapors from rising towards the head.
 It is useful in headaches in which there is darkness in front of the eyes and dizziness Amla is also very useful for hair. Its use makes the hair thick, shiny and black. Soak amla in water at night. Get up in the morning and wash your head with this water.

 Amla strengthens lungs and breasts. Amla marmalade twice daily. Ammon protects against tuberculosis and tuberculosis And there is a deep connection between heart and blood. Amla compounds and amla marmalade are very useful for strengthening the heart.

 Early in the morning, eat a piece of amla marmalade wrapped in silver foil and drink a glass of milk from the apoor. Amla juice also has many benefits.

 Amla is a treasure trove of vitamin C and is a healthy juice. It is very useful in constipation, stomach and asthma. It relieves anemia. Its use increases hemoglobin levels.

 Improves immunity is the best constipation
If amla is soaked in milk, such amla is called lion amla. It is the best food. Its temperament is cold in the first degree and dry in the second degree.

 The amount of food is ten grams. It has the following benefits. Strengthens hair roots.2. Useful for stomach. Amla relieves anxiety, depression and strengthens vision.

 Grinding it and soaking it in water and cooling it with water keeps the hair ink intact. And the hair stops falling out. Quenches thirst Eliminates saliva and vomiting. Prevents dandruff and keeps hair black.

 Useful in headaches and liver diseases. In this case, soak nine handfuls of dried amla, nogram coriander in water at night. In the morning, filter the water and drink it mixed with Egyptian water. Amla is rich in vitamin C. Therefore, its use protects against screw disease. It is constipating so it is used in constipation.

 It is very useful for the heart as it is nutritious and constipating. Useful for memory. Strengthens brain functions by eliminating impulses moving towards the brain.

 When doctors use antibiotics, they often do not agree with it, so it is important to use amla to prevent the side effects of antibiotics. In this case, amla jam can also be used. Some people use it with sugar, wash the jam and use it. It is necessary to stop the rising amount of cholesterol, which is a form of fat in the blood.

 In the morning and evening, half a teaspoon of water should be used and exercise should be done to reduce cholesterol. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

 Amla pickle is excellent for digestion, nourishment and appetite. How to make pickle: Take fresh amla, one and a half kg, wash it in sugar jar and dry it. Mix pepper / salt as required and keep it in the sun for three days. Then add mustard oil so that the amla sinks. The best pickle will be ready in three or four days
It is also considered excellent for external use due to its sedative and sedative properties.

 Its raw fruit is a mild type of muslin. Its fresh juice is cold, refreshing, diuretic, mild and nourishing heart.

* If a hole is made in the fruit with a knife, the juice will burst out in a short time. Applying it on the eye practically removes the inflammation of the eye. Amla flowers are also cool, cheerful and millionaire.

* Its root and bark help to reduce moisture and stop bleeding. A tablespoon of fresh amla juice and honey is a cure for many ailments. Its regular daily use in the morning fills the body with vitality and energy in a few days. If fresh amla is not available, it is useful to use dried fruit powder mixed with honey.

* Amla is the best treatment for respiratory diseases. Its use is especially important in tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis.

* Due to its high content of vitamin C, it is very effective in controlling diabetes. One tablespoon of this carbs mixed with a cup of fresh bitter juice is taken daily for two months, then the pancreas is stimulated and the production of insulin is increased, thus lowering the amount of sugar in the blood.

 Pay special attention to diet while using this prescription. It is also used to treat eye complications in diabetics.

Side effects of amla

Over-use of amla can cause abdominal pain. And can cause diarrhea and this condition by upsetting the stomach.
